Week of April 29-May 2, 2013
Theme: Seeds
Letter of the Week: Z
Show and Share May 2-something that starts with letter Z
Last week we had fun with Earth Day and caterpillars. We did an Earth Day sort of recyclable materials both real items and with pictures of items. We made the earth with paint and beans. Each class also made a caterpillar, the morning class spelled their name in the circles of the caterpillar and the p.m. class made a chain caterpillar which will be coming home on Monday. We read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," and "Ten Little Caterpillars." We made a bag story of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" so that we could retell the story using the pictures. In the sensory table we made cloud dough which was a fun texture to play with (two boxes cornstarch and 1 can shaving cream). On Friday we made a bird feeder which came home in backpacks.
This week we will be talking about seeds and what they need to grow. We will also be talking about the parts of the plant after the seed spouts. This week will be a messy week in the sensory table, we will have dirt, gardening gloves, shovels and pots. We will also talk about plants that grow up (like corn) and plants that grown down (like potatoes), in our story "Up, Down and Around." We will be able to act out this story as we read it by moving up, down and around. We will also be planting seeds, watching them change and grow. Another story we will read is "Growing Vegetable Soup."
Upcoming dates:
End of the year party May 22- a.m. class 10:15-11:00 and p.m. class 1:30-2:15.
No School May 29-Memorial Day
Last day of Preschool-May 30