Theme: All About Me
Letter of the Week: D
Dear Parents,
During this week, the children will be introduced to the idea that each person is unique and special. They will explore things they can do and things they want to learn to do. They will talk about how being able to do things makes them feel proud. Additionally, children will explore ways in which they are similar to and different from their friends and classmates. They will also compare themselves as they are today and with how they looked and acted when they were younger.
Learning Together
- Look at magazines together. Have your child point out activities or actions that he or she can do. Ask how being able to do these things makes your child feel.
- The children will also be learning about shapes during the week. Point out things around your home that are different shapes.
- If you have photographs of your child as a baby, look at them together. Talk about what your child did as a baby, and what he or she can do now. If the child has older siblings, talk about things they can do and ask which of those things your child would like to do, too.
Next week at snack time we are going to have the opportunity to taste a variety of apples. Please have your child bring their favorite type of apple to school on Monday. We will cut them up and share them in class on Tuesday and decide which ones we liked the best.
Important information and dates:
October 3-Show and Share one thing that begins with the letter D.
October 15-Preschool picture day, more information will come home closer to the date.
October 16-the Brecksville library will visit the preschool for story time.
Please make sure to display the number for your car at pick up time, we take turns with dismissal so it makes the process work most efficiently if the number if prominently displayed in your car or on your dashboard.
Please make sure to display the number for your car at pick up time, we take turns with dismissal so it makes the process work most efficiently if the number if prominently displayed in your car or on your dashboard.