Monday, November 18, 2013

Week of November 18-21, 2013

Week of November 18-21, 2013
Theme: Helping My Community
Letter of the Week: E
Dear Family,

During the past few weeks, children have been exploring the concept of community. They have learned about the various parts of a community, the places that are common to most communities, and the people who help within them. This week, children will learn about how they can help in their community. They will talk about how they can be efficient classroom helpers and how they can help on a regular basis at home. Additionally, they will explore ways in which recycling helps a community.

Learning Together
  • Ask your child to tell you about one way in which he or she helped a teacher or a classmate at school. Then talk about additional ways that he or she can help in the classroom, such as by cleaning up, sharing, helping with pets, listening politely, and following directions.
  • Together, plan a project such as baking, planting or cleaning, and have your child think of ways in which he or she can help you complete it.
  • Talk with your child about ways to reuse or recycle items in your home. Have your child help you recycle appropriate items such as newspapers or bottles.
At the end of last week we talked about how our moms and dads help us and these are some of the responses I got:
Moms help:
  • play with us
  • make us dinner
  •  us stay safe
  •  us fall asleep
  • us wash dishes
  • drive to the grocery store
  • us stay healthy
  • take us to the doctor to get a shot
  • us close the curtains
  • us fix the TV
Dads help:
  • us play catch
  • practice activities
  • us play baseball
  • us get a band aid
  • us buy toys
  • us buy soccer cleats
  • us clean the basement
  • us clean the garage
  • us ride a motorcycle.
This week we will be focusing on what the children can do to help at school and at home. Each child will complete a book page about what they can go to help at school and at home. We will also be completing some recycling sorting activities and thinking of different uses for items.

Next week will be the Thanksgiving Feast. The morning class will have their feast from 10:15-11:00 and the p.m. class will have their feast at 1:30. We will be on Thanksgiving break starting November 27-December 1.
Have a great week.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Week of November 11-14, 2013

Week of November 11-14, 2013
Theme: My Community
Letter of the Week: T

Dear Families,
During the upcoming week, children will explore the activities in their community and how the people within it help and assist them. they will talk about community helpers, such as the school nurse. They will learn about "rush hour," when people travel in vehicle to and from work and school. They will learn to recognize buildings in which people go to work. 

Learning Together
  • Tell your child about where you and/or other members of your family go to work. If possible, visit that place.
  • Ask your child to tell you the name of his or her bus driver.
  • Take your child along when you go to the grocery store, gas station or other locations in your community. Talk about how the workers  help you, your family and others in the community.
This week we will continue to have the community post office at preschool as well as a restaurant. We are continuing to work cooperatively to build communities with in the classroom as a mural as well as using the materials that have been brought in to make buildings for the communities.

Special Events:
Special Letter Snack: Madison Letter T
Star of the Week:  Madeline
Show and Share November 14 Letter T
November 25th-Picture retake day, if you are planning to have your child's picture retaken please send me an email so I know to be looking for pictures that are being returned.
November 25th-Classroom Thanksgiving Feast, parents and siblings welcome. You will be receiving more information from the room parents.
No School November 27-December 1

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week of November 4-7, 2013

Week of November 4-7, 2013
Theme: In the Community
Letter of the Week: L

Dear Families,

Thank you so much for your contributions to our Halloween Party. I think everyone had a great time on our trick or treating trip to the Board of Education and around our school building.

This week, children will begin to explore the concept of a community. They will learn that a community is a place where people live and work. Children will talk about the parts of a community, such as places to live, places to play, places to work, and the community members who work in those places. they will also learn to recognize the common needs of all members of a community and discuss good practices for playing and working safely in the community.

Learning Together
  • Take a walk in your neighborhood with your child. Point out buildings such as houses and apartment, stores, schools, the public library, hospitals or medical centers, the post office, and the police and fire stations. Talk with your child about what goes onion each building and who works there.
  • Plan to visit an elderly neighbor with your child. Talk with your child about something fun the two of you might do with your neighbor.
If you have any empty containers or boxes at home please send them to school this week we are going to be using the containers for a painting project and the boxes we are going to use in our block center to build a community. We will also be working together to make a community mural. 

STAR reports went home on Thursday. The STAR program was used to benchmark where your child is at in regards to his/her early literacy skills. The reports lists things your child may be doing and things that you can do to help facilitate their learning in other skills. If you have any questions regarding the report please contact Mr. Martin, the principal at Hilton Elementary. 

Special Activities:
November 7: Show and Share Letter L
November 27-December 1-No School