Week of October 8-11
Themes: Fall and Fire Safety
Color: Orange
Letter: E
Last week we focused on communities and beginning to talk about fall. We made a community on our train table which included making houses without addresses on them and reading environmental print. We used signs that children would see out in the community such as restaurant and store names, the children cut them out and them put them on block buildings in the community. They were then able to use cars to drive around the community to different locations. We talked about using maps to help us get places and used a map key to find a dog that was lost in our story "On Our Street." The children used apple cut outs to make apple prints, if you look closely you can see the star they make in the middle of the print. We also did some sorting and comparing of Flowers (our letter of the week.) We also reinforced our color of the week which was red.
Next week we will continue to talk about Fall and Fire safety. Fall has so many things to discuss and explore that we will be incorporating a variety of fall activities over the next several weeks. Next week is also Fire Safety week so we will be talking about fire safety as well. Show and Share on Thursday is something that starts with the letter E. Wear the color orange on Thursday.
Next week we are going to be doing a fine motor task of stringing beads to make an apple necklace and we wil be making a tissue paper apple cut out. We will also be using the apple counting box and making an apple tree book to practice counting. We will also be fingerpainting and combining the colors red and yellow to make our color of the week orange. We will use this fingerpainting as the backdrop to our firetruck which we will practice some cutting skills to make as well as following directions to put the firetruck together. We are going to be tasting red, yellow and green apples to determine our favorite and then we will use that information to make an apple "pie" graph looking for the biggest slice. To help facilitate the apple tasting activity please have your child bring in one of their favorite types of apples on Monday. We will also use these apples on Friday to cut up and make homemade applesauce. The children will help me write a recipe for the applesauce we make.
The Brecksville Library is coming to visit school. They will visit the p.m. class on Wednesday and they will visit the a.m. class next week on Thursday, October 18. This year we will also have the wonderful opportunity to collaborate with Mrs. Haluch's third grade class. We had this opportunity last year and the preschoolers and third graders were able to learn from each other and were excited when they would see each other throughout the school building. On Monday Oct. 8 the p.m. class will be doing a counting math game to make an apple basket and on Tuesday Oct. 17 the a.m. class will have the opportunity to play a direction following game to build a jack o' lantern.
Research has shown that reading to children helps them gain better language and literacy skills from an early age. In an effort to facilitate this for our preschoolers I would like to offer parent volunteers the opportunity to come in once a week to read with the children. I would need approximately one parent a week to come into school on Wednesdays 8:30-8:50 and 12:00-12:20. This is an easy way to be part of your child's preschool day while providing all of the children with the opportunity to have someone, other than their teacher and own parent, the experience of having someone else read to them. It is really simple all we need is for you to come in to provide a warm lap for them to sit on while you read to one child at a time a book that they choose. The teachers will be there with you as well reading to other children. If this is something you would be interested in doing please send in a note or send me an email letting me know so that I can develop a schedule starting Wednesday, October, 24, 2012. If you have certain dates that work better for you in your schedule please let me know that so that I can try to accommodate that. I would like to thank everyone in advance for being a part of our class and coming to read with the children.
Just a few quick reminders for the good of the order:
Halloween party on October 31st. Children can wear or bring their costumes to school that day. Please try to avoid scary costumes and any costumes that have any types weapons that go with them, the weapons need to stay at home. That party will be for the children only, we will play games and go trick or treating. For some children new and unfamiliar adults can be overwhelming during a new situation like a party so this party will just be for the children, however, there will be other opportunities throughout the school year for parents to come in and participate.
Pick up and drop off. Please make sure during pick up and drop off to stay in your car in line so that we can bring the children out to your car. It would be helpful if your child's car seat was placed behind the passenger seat so that we are better able to get them in and out of the car efficiently. If you are going to get out of your car please make sure you park in a parking spot so as not to disrupt the flow of traffic. Also with the amount of car and bus traffic during this time we really need everyone to be cautious, watch out for others and drive slowly for every one's safety.
Lastly everyone should have their InfoSnap information, it either was given to you at parent orientation or came home last week in your child's folder. The district needs everyone to go online and fill out this information promptly, so if you have not done so already please do that this weekend.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy the great fall weather and colors.
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