Monday, October 28, 2013

Week of October 28-31, 2013

Week of October 28-31, 2013
Theme: Fall Fun
No Letter this week

This week we will be celebrating the wonders of fall. We will be doing several activities with pumpkins which includes some fine motor tasks as well as some counting. We will be reading several books about fall and Halloween including: Big Pumpkin and Spookley the Square Pumpkin. Following these books we will be expanding our creative thinking to include creating our own Spookley the Pumpkin and retelling the Big Pumpkin story with our own characters and theme. If you have not read these books it may be time for a trip to the library to borrow them. 

On Thursday we will have our Halloween party. Your child can either wear their costume to school or they can pack it in their backpack and we will help them get dressed. Please remember that if your child's costume includes anything that resembles a weapon that part of their costume may not come to school. We will have some fun games and activities including Trick or Treating around Hilton as well as a short walk up the hill to the Board of Education office to show off our costumes.

Next week we are going to be doing an activity that requires a variety of containers. If you have containers (plastic or aluminum) that have a lid on them that you are going to recycle such as a coffee container, old butter tub, etc. please send them in for us to use next week. We are going to be experimenting in a variety of ways with these containers and the more variety we have the better.

Last week the p.m. class was introduced to their book boxes as part of the Daily 5. They were able to choose 5 books to keep in their books boxes for Read to Self time. They were very excited about choosing books that would be their very own to keep in their book boxes.

Upcoming dates:
No School November 27-Dec. 1-Return to school Dec. 2

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