Sunday, December 14, 2014

Week of December 15-18, 2014

Week of December 15-18, 2014
Theme: Holidays Around the World
No Letter of the Week

Dear Parents,

This week we will be celebrating Holidays Around the World.  We are going to work on making some holiday crafts and surprises this week at school.  We will also be having a Christmas Around the World celebration at school on Tuesday. We will be traveling to the other preschool classrooms to find out how some other countries celebrate during this time of year.  On Wednesday we will have our holiday party, parents are welcome to join us and participate in all of the activities with their children. The a.m. party will be 10:15-11:00 and the p.m. party will be 1:30-2:30.  On Thursday don't forget to wear your pajamas to school for Polar Express day.  We will be finishing up all of our holiday activities and then watching a holiday movie together.

Upcoming dates:
  • Tuesday, December 16-Christmas Around the World
  • Wednesday, December 17-Holiday Party a.m. 10:15-11:00, p.m. 1:30-2:30.
  • Thursday, December 18-Polar Express Day, wear your pajamas to school.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday break. School will resume on Monday, January 5, 2015.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week of December 8-11, 2014

Week of December 8-11, 2014
Theme: My community & Holidays
Focus Question: How can I help my community?
Letter of the Week: O

Dear Parents,

This week we will continue to discuss how we can be helpful to others, in our classroom and at home.  We will work on a list of ideas of things the children can do to be helpful in each setting. 
We will also begin our holiday celebrations by reading several versions of the Gingerbread Man and comparing and contrasting how each version is the same or different. We also have two different Gingerbread stories to read including: The Gingerbread Baby and The Gingerbread Man Loose at School. Utilizing the gingerbread man we will do several activities that include counting, matching colors, identifying identifying letters and graphing.  The children will have the opportunity to decorate their own Gingerbread Man.

This week in the dramatic play area we have set up a bakery. The children will have the opportunity to role play baking as well as taking orders and exchanging money. This is a good opportunity for the children to engage in cooperative and pretend play.  During activities like this the children have the opportunity to practice such skills as sharing, trading and compromising.  

Upcoming dates and activities:
Star of the Week: David, p.m. class
Letter of the Week snack: Eve Reid, letter O
Show and Share Letter O: December 11
Christmas around the world: December 16
Holiday Party: December 17th  a.m. 10:15-11:00, p.m. (time change) 1:30-2:30
Polar Express Day (last day before break): December 18th-wear your pajamas to school

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Week of December 1, 2014

Week of December 1, 2014
Theme: My Community & Community Helpers
Letter of the Week: C

Dear Family,

During the past few weeks, children have been exploring the concept of community. They have learned about the various parts of a community, the places that are common to most communities, and the people who help within them. This week, children will learn about how they can help in their community. They will talk about how they can be efficient classroom helpers and how they can help on a regular basis at home. 

Learning Together
  • Ask your child to tell you about one way in which he or she helped a teacher or a classmate at school. Then talk about additional ways that he or she can help in the classroom, such as by cleaning up, sharing, helping with pets, listening politely, and following directions.
  • Together, plan a project such as baking, planting or cleaning, and have your child think of ways in which he or she can help you complete it.
This week some of our classroom activities include:
  • C craft-car
  • Cookie craft-following directions and practice cutting activity
  • Qualities of things that are alive vs not a live
  • Daily 5-learning about 3 ways to read a book (read the words, read the pictures or retell the story)
  • We will beginning using the netbooks in class which has some learning activities that correspond to our curriculum. This week we will learn how to use a mouse and practice using the mouse. Many children are very familiar with how to use a touch tablet but have not become acquainted with using the mouse with the computer. We will play some games that give them practice with using a mouse before we begin using the curriculum programs. 
  • This week we will have a vet clinic in the dramatic play area. Over the last couple of weeks the children have had many learning experiences as well as fun participating in the grocery store and the post office that were in the dramatic play area. 
  • Our story for the week is: Quinito’s Neighborhood.
  • We are also going to compare different community helpers and the types of things they do and they tools they use.
I want to thank everyone for participating in our Thanksgiving Day Feast and for providing the food and supplies for the feast.

Upcoming dates:
  • December 4-Show and Share letter C
  • Holiday Break-December 20-January 4. Return to school January 5, 2015.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week of November 24-25, 2014

Week of November 24-25, 2014
Theme: Thanksgiving
No Letter this week

Dear Parents,
This week we will be celebrating Thanksgiving at school. We will have our class feast on Monday.  The a.m. feast will be 10:15-11:00 and the p.m. feast will be 1:45-2:30. I look forward to celebrating with everyone. We will be making our desert for the feast on Monday. I would like to thank everyone for participating and providing food for our feast.

We will do several thanksgiving activities such as talking about and writing down what we are thankful for. We will be reading a Scholastic magazine about Turkeys and we will be coloring a turkey by following the number code by color. 

I hope everyone has the opportunity to spend time with family and friends during their time off. Please remember there is no school on November 26 & 27. School will resume on December 1.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week of November 17-20, 2014

Week of November 17-20, 2014
Theme: My Community
Focus Question:How does a community help me?
Letter of the Week:  U

Dear Families,
During the upcoming week, children will explore the activities in their community and how the people within it help and assist them. they will talk about community helpers, such as the school nurse. They will learn about "rush hour," when people travel in vehicle to and from work and school. They will learn to recognize buildings in which people go to work. 

Learning Together
  • Tell your child about where you and/or other members of your family go to work. If possible, visit that place.
  • Ask your child to tell you the name of his or her bus driver.
  • Take your child along when you go to the grocery store, gas station or other locations in your community. Talk about how the workers  help you, your family and others in the community.
This week we will have the community post office at preschool. The grocery store was so much fun, all of the children had fun buying food, stocking shelves and checking out purchases at the cash register. If you have any junk mail at home that you would like to contribute to the post office we will have more mail that the children can deliver. 
  • The children will make their own letters to deliver in mailboxes in the classroom.
  • We will sort "mail" (beanbags) by color as we deliver our mail on our bikes when we go to the gym.
  • We will be making a craft for letter U.
  • Our story this week is "Rush Hour."
  • Officer John will visit us in preschool on Monday to tell us all about how police officers help us in the community.
Don't forget:
  • Show and Share on Thursday, November 20 letter U. 
  • Thanksgiving Feast on November 24th, a.m. 10:15-11:30, p.m. 1:45-2:30
  • Thanksgiving Break: November 26-30. Return to school on November 30th.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Week of November 10, 2014

Week of November 20, 2014
 Theme: In Our Community
Letter of the week: I

Dear Families:

This week, children will begin to explore the concept of a community. They will learn that a community is a place where people live and work. Children will talk about the parts of a community, such as places to live, places to play, places to work, and the community members who work in those places. they will also learn to recognize the common needs of all members of a community and discuss good practices for playing and working safely in the community.

Learning Together

  • Take a walk in your neighborhood with your child. Point out buildings such as houses and apartment, stores, schools, the public library, hospitals or medical centers, the post office, and the police and fire stations. Talk with your child about what goes onion each building and who works there.
  • Plan to visit an elderly neighbor with your child. Talk with your child about something fun the two of you might do with your neighbor.
Next week I have set up a grocery store in our dramatic play area.  If you have any empty containers from food could you please clean them out and send them to school so we can add them to our grocery store.  The children will have the opportunity to shop in the grocery store, cut out coupons, make a shopping list, and scan and collect money for groceries. The children will be able to take on different roles in the grocery store such as: stocking the shelves, checking out customers, and delivering food to the store. 

We will also read stories about a variety of places and services that are available in communities. We will work together to make a list of places and services we have in our community including community helpers. The children will use stickers to create their own communities. We will also practice some map skills by using a community map and finding different places on the map and driving a car there. We will also practice matching numbers by parking numbered cars in a parking garage. 

On November 24th we will be having a Thanksgiving Feast at school in which families are invited to join us.  I will be sending a sign up shortly for items we will need for the feast. 

I wanted to make a correction in last week's newsletter. The p.m. class has a new friend and I believe I spelled his name wrong, his name is Prathyush. 

Show and Share is on November 13th for the letter I.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week of November 3-6, 2014

Week of November 3-6, 2014
Unit: All About Me
Theme: Families
Letter of the Week: T

Dear Families,

During the week, the children will be learning about families. Children will learn the names of family members, such as father, mother, grandfather, sister, and uncle. They will describe their own families and read about a storybook family. They will also learn that families can be different; they can be made up of different family members can do together.

Learning Together
  • If you have a family album, look at the photographs with your child. Together, name the family members. Point out and name any family members that children have not met or who have passed away. If photographs aren't available, draw a family picture and name the pictured individuals.
  • Plan a whole family activity, such as cooking a meal, playing a game, or having a picnic.
  • Talk about ways family members help and support each other, such as by cheering at a fame or celebrating a birthday. Discuss with your child how he or she can help other family members.
This weeks activities include:
  • Learning about what living things need to survive
  • Recognizing our family members by illustrating a book page.
  • Graphing brothers and sisters, then comparing the two groups.
  • Sorting and ordering numbers 1-10.
  • Making a Letter T craft-Tractor
  • Musical letters with the letters we have learned so far.
  • Stories include: Llama Llama home with Mama and Jonathan and His Mommy
Our Halloween party was fun. We went trick or treating around the school and brought home many wonderful treats. I hope everyone had a safe holiday weekend. It looks like the cold weather is beginning to set in so make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the chilly weather.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Week of October 27-30, 2014

Week of October 27-30, 2014
Theme: All About Fall & Halloween
Letter of the Week: H

Dear Families,

This coming week we will be celebrating fall and doing some fun Halloween related activities. We are going to be working on our fine motor skills while we pick up small fall erasers with tongs and sort them by type. We are also going to use the small fall erasers to practice counting and placing the correct number of erasers in the numbered pumpkin. We will also be Q-tip painting bats and making a tissue paper candy corn.  

One of the stories we will read this week is the Chocolate Chip Ghost.  We will use props to retell the story and then we will create a book page about what our ghost ate and what color it changed to.  Some other stories include: Big Pumpkin, and If You're a Monster and You Know It.  Both of these stories are fun and allow the children to be part of the stories through movement and cooperation. 

In the gym this week we are going to play a Halloween movement game and play a spider web game.  The children will have to walk on the lines of the spider web to capture all of the spiders in the spider web games.  In the Halloween movement game the children will draw cards and use their bodies to move like different things. 

On Thursday is our Halloween party.  Please have your child wear or bring their costume to school if they are choosing to wear one. Please remember not to send in any pretend weapons as they are not allowed at school. This party is just for the children as there are some children who become quite overwhelmed when there are many unfamiliar faces in one place.  There will be opportunities at the Thanksgiving Feast, the Holiday party and the end of the year party for parents to come participate with their children at a school event.  If at anytime you would like to visit the classroom to see what your child is doing at school please contact me and we can set up a date and time.  Please know that often times when you visit your child will act differently then they typically do during a school day. 

The afternoon class would like to welcome our new friend Pradyush to our class.  In the housekeeping area I have placed small notebooks and pencils and both classes have been really engaged using these materials in a variety of ways. The morning class has been pretending to be reporters "writing" stories about what is happening, so if you see small sheets of paper coming home with "writing" on them please ask your child what his/her news story is about.  The afternoon class has been using them to take orders and make lists.  Both of these activities are fabulous imaginary play and demonstrate developmentally appropriate early writing skills. 

Upcoming dates:
October 27th-Please send in non-edible treats for the Halloween Trick or Treat at school. 
Show and Share: Wednesday, October 29th (typically Show and Share is on Thursday but because of the party I have moved it to Wednesday for this week.)
Special Snack Letter H-October 29th provided by Zach
October 30th-Halloween Party

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Week of October 20-23, 2014

Week of October 20-23, 2014
Theme: Our Bodies
Letter of the Week: E

Dear Families,

During the week, the children will learn the names of parts of their bodies. They will explore the different actions that they can do with each of these body parts. They will listen to a story about children using parts of their bodies to yawn, blink, reach, wiggle, and so on. Through stories, songs, and activities, children will practice identifying and using different body parts. They will become more aware of their own bodies, sense and personal boundaries.

Learning Together
  • Visit the playground together. Have your child show you actions or activities he or she can perform. Ask your child to name the body parts he or she uses to do each one.
  • Explore things together you can see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Have your child identify which body parts help them use these senses.
  • Sing the "Hokey Pokey" with your child and perform the actions together:
            You put your right hand in. You take your right hand out. You put your right hand in and you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey (Holds hands in the air and shake them.) And you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about.
Repeat using other body parts, such as feet, knees, head, and "whole self."

Activities this week include:

  • Science investigations involving the five senses. Using our five senses to describe a variety of everyday items and/or food. 
  • We will be making Elmo for the letter E.
  • We will be watching a movie about the five senses and playing a matching game on the SmartBoard.
  • Some books include: Five Senses; Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes; Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
  • We will be using props to act out the Three Little Bears. 
  • In the gym this week we will be working on balancing.
Upcoming Dates:
October 23-Show and Share Letter E
October 30-Halloween Party for the children only. Please have your child wear or bring their costume to school on that day. We will be making trick or treat bags at school and then trick or treating throughout the school.  We would greatly appreciate any non-edible treat donations for our trick or treating, this could include: pencils, rings, erasers, etc. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Week of October 13-16, 2014

Week of October 13-16, 2014
Unit: All About Me
Focus Questions: What are my feelings?
Fire Safety
Letter of the Week: F

Dear Families,

Last week we had a special visitor at preschool. Kathy Roderick came to share with us some learning resources from the Natural History Museum. The children got to see and touch a variety of animal pictures, animals pelts and skeletons of animals. They also got to participate in an activity to determine what type of beak is best for picking up different objects. We also want to welcome our new friend Hayden to our morning class.
Displaying photo.JPG Displaying photo.JPG
I will display more photos when I am able to download them and transfer them to the blog. 

During this week, the children will identify and talk about feelings that are common to everyone. They will learn words that name feelings, such as happy, sad, serious, and excited. they will also learn that how they feel affects the way they behave. For example, they are likely to smile when they are happy and frown when they are angry or unhappy. Additionally, children will talk about recognizing and responding to the feelings of others. 

Learning Together:
  • Ask how your child is feeling when he/she comes home from school. Encourage your child to share reasons for these feelings.
  • Look through picture books and have your child try to identify characters' feelings. Ask your child what clues helped him or her determine each character's feelings.
  • Tell your child what makes you happy. Talk about things that make you both happy. Play a guessing game with your child. Take turns using facial expressions and other forms of body language to pantomime a feeling for the other to guess.
Some activities this week include:
  • Finishing our All About Me books. Thank you everyone for sending in information about your child, if you have not yet set in information please have your child bring the following information to school on Monday: 1-2 pictures of themselves and their families, pictures which can be photographs or cut from a magazine of something that is their favorite color, their favorite toy, their favorite food and something they like to do such as a sport or hobby. If you are unable to find any pictures of the last items please write them down and we will work together in class to find them. 
  • We will also be finishing up our address books and the children will be bringing them home this week. 
  • We will be reading a book titled, Lots of Feelings, in it we will identify by labeling in a variety of feelings, come up with hypothesis about why that person may feeling that way and then play an emotions identification game on the Smartboard.
  • We will also read The Three Little Pigs. We will read this story and interact with it on the Smartboard, we will listen to this story during centers in our listening center and then each child will have the opportunity to help us re-enact it in class.
  • We will also be learning our new letter F and listening for differences in F and L words, identifying which words begin with F and which words begin with L.
  • We will make a Firetruck for letter the F and for Fire Safety, as well as read our Scholastic Magazine about Fire Safety. 
  • We will be identifying which pizza contains a given number of pepperonis by counting the pepperonis. 
  • Please send in your child's information for our class All About Me book.
  • Picture day is Tuesday, October 14th, forms went home last week.
  • Show and Share is on Thursday, October 16th, Letter F.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Week of October 6-9, 2014

Week of October 6-9, 2014
Unit: All About Me
Focus Questions: Who Am I?
Letter of the Week: L
Dear Parents,

During this week, the children will be introduced to the idea that each person is unique and special. They will explore things they can do and things they want to learn to do. They will talk about how being able to do things makes them feel proud. Additionally, children will explore ways in which they are similar to and different from their friends and classmates. They will also compare themselves as they are today and with how they looked and acted when they were younger. 

Learning Together
  • Look at magazines together. Have your child point out activities or actions that he or she can do. Ask how being able to do these things makes your child feel.
  • The children will also be learning about shapes during the week. Point out things around your home that are different shapes.
  • If you have photographs of your child as a baby, look at them together. Talk about what your child did as a baby, and what he or she can do now. If the child has older siblings, talk about things they can do and ask which of those things your child would like to do, too. 
Some exciting activities this week include:
  • Making an address book with our names, addresses and phone numbers. Everyone has already provided me with a variety of phone numbers that they can be reached at, please email me or send in a note indicating which or the provided phone numbers you would like your child to learn so that we can put that in their address book and we can start working on that phone number.
  • We are going to make an All About Me book for each class. Once it is complete the children will have the opportunity to take it home and share it with their families. For this book you will need to help your child find 1-2 pictures of themselves and their families. Please also include pictures which can be photographs or cut from a magazine of something that is their favorite color, their favorite toy, their favorite food and something they like to do such as a sport or hobby. If you are unable to find any pictures of the last items please write them down and we will work together in class to find them. Thank you for your help and participation with this project. 
  • The letter this week is L so we will be practicing making our letter L, making an L word list and making a Lion.
  • We will be using the apples that the children brought for show and share last week to make applesauce this week. The children will have the opportunity to help cut up the apples, make a recipe and then help mix up the applesauce which will be our snack that day.  We will also be using our Scholastic Magazine to learn facts about apples. 
  • This week as part of all about me we will also be talking about the life cycle and what happens as we grow and change. 
  • Throughout this monthly unit there is a Fairy Tale theme that runs through it. This week we are going to read The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We are going to act it out after reading it and then create a fairytale together as a class. 
  • When we visit the gym for some gross motor activity we will be practicing throwing and catching using scarves and balloons.
Show and share is October 9th-one things that starts with the letter L.
Send in the phone number you would like your child to begin learning.
Find the items needed for our All About Me book.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Week of September 29-October 2, 2014

Week of September 29-October 2, 2014
Theme: Getting Along & Apples
Show and Share: Thursday October 2
Bring in your favorite type of apple
Nursery Rhyme: Old Mother Hubbard

This week's activities and discussions focus on children's learning to get along with one another while they play and learn together. Children will read about a character named Amelia who goes to a new school, and they will compare part of their day at preschool with hers. They will explore activities they undertake in the classroom, such as reading books and playing musical instruments, and outdoor activities they participate in on the playground. Children will learn about effective ways to help each other play and learn and ways in which their teacher helps each of them.

Learning Together:
  • Take turns saying and guessing riddles with your child. Remind your child to listen when it's your turn to speak.
  • Help your child undertake something he or she wants to learn to do, such as printing letters, catching or throwing a ball and so on.
  • After school each day talk with your child about what he or she did during the day. Begin by sharing what you did during the day and then pose questions designed to elicit more than "yes or no" answers. For example, ask: What songs did you sing today? What new things did you learn? Which activity was the most fun for you today? Why? What stories did your teacher read aloud? What new friends did you make? what have you brought home from school to share?
Some of this weeks activities include:
  • Shape sorting & matching shapes to make pictures
  • Following a recipe to make play-doh
  • Using the Ipad and classroom listening center to listen to LIttle Critter Stories and one of our classroom stories this week.
  • Using hand lenses to look at different fall objects and parts of an apple.
  • We will be comparing and contrasting items to find similarities and differences
  • We will be playing some fine motor games including: Froggy Feed and The Sneak, Snacky Squirrel
  • We are going to be using apples to make apple prints with paint.
  • We will be using letter stamps to stamp our names
  • Stories this week include: Amelia's Show & Tell Fiesta, Apple for Everyone
  • We will be looking at a variety of pictures and discussing how we can play and learn together at school.
For show and share this week please have your child bring in their favorite type of apple. We are going to keep the apples at school because we will be doing a variety of activities with apples the following week.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week of September 22, 2014

Week of September 22, 2014
Theme: Let's Be Friends
Nursery Rhyme: Little Miss Muffet

This week we will continue to focus on classroom rules and routines. We will also be focusing on building friendships and qualities that make a good friend. The children will explore ways that friends help each other and show that they care about each other. They will read stories in which unlikely characters, such as a goose and a bear, and a lion and a mouse, become friends. In addition, children will talk about how sharing toys, listening, and sharing their feelings are important not only to a friendship, but also to creating a friendly, cooperative classroom environment.

Learning together:
  • Have your child invite a friend over to play. After the visit, discuss things that your child and his or her friend did that were fun.
  • Talk with your child about your friends. Explain why these people are your friends and describe the kinds of things you enjoy doing with them.
  • Get one of the Frog and Toad books from the local library and read it with your child. Talk about what makes these characters good friends.
  • After school each day, talk with your child about what he or she did during the day. Begin by sharing what you did during the day and then pose questions designed to elicit more than "yes or no" answers. For example, ask: What songs did you sing today? What new things did you learn? Which activity was the most fun for you today? Why? What stories did your teacher read aloud? What new friends did you make? What have you brought home from school to share?
Some stories that we will enjoy as a class this week include: Max and Mo's First Day at School, Bear's New Friend, and of course my favorite character, Pete the Cat: The New Guy. All of these stories include the theme of friendship, how to be a friend and how to be a friend to a new friend. 

This week in the gym we will be practicing skills such as balancing, jumping and hopping while going through an obstacle course. The children will work together to complete block towers. We will practice counting by making "pepperoni pizza" that match the one the children are shown. We will also work on following directions and using our nice words please and thank you while playing games. 

I am compiling the class roster and will have it out by Monday of next week, once I have everyone's paperwork in. We have some new faces in our classes; in our a.m. class we have two new friends: Hunter and Andrew and in our p.m. class we have one new friend Ava. We will continue to add children throughout the school year and as that happens I will update the class roster.

At least once a week your child will receive a special daily note letting you know what they did that day at school. This can provide some information that will spark a conversation with your child about their day at school.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week of September

Week of September 15-18, 2014
Theme: What happens in our classroom

Dear Parents,

The first week and a half of school has gone well. All of the children are adjusting to their new routines and beginning to learn all about school.

This coming week we will be focusing on specifics within our classroom which includes the rules. We will be working as a team to develop rules for our classroom that will make it safe for everyone. I am sure that some of the rules will include: using walking feet, using an inside voice, keeping hands and feet to self and using our words.  I will share with you what we have developed in regards to the wording and the rules for the classroom. I feel it is important for the children participate in this process so that they feel ownership of the rules and that they feel they were a part of the team that developed the rules.

We will also be reading several stories including: Yellowbelly and Plum Go to School, Tom Goes to School and two shorter stories about sharing. In preschool we often use the term trading when we are talking about sharing. It is sometimes easier to trade one item to get another then to understand that you get something I have nothing concept, so often times we will try to come up with an item we can trade in order to get the item we want a turn with.  Sometimes if trading doesn't work we also use a timer so that one child knows when their turn is over and when it is another child's turn. 

We will be looking at the United States flag this week and comparing it to other flags and discuss what is the same and what is different about each flag. Then we will be following directions to make a flag.

We have begun to use some of the technology in our classroom. Last week we used the Tag Readers to listen to reading. This week we will listen to reading using recorded books and participate in some learning activities on the IPads. I will introduce these items into the classroom individually so that the children understand how to use each one (although sometimes they work them better then me) and the rules involved in using each one. 

We will get outside as often as possible so if it is a chilly day please remember to send a jacket, sweatshirt or sweater with your child. Also on Wednesdays we will have the opportunity to use the gym to work on some gross motor skills so please be sure to have your child wear tennis shoes to school on Wednesdays. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

P.M. First days of preschool

Dear Parents,
Here are some pictures of  your children's first days of preschool.

A.M. class first days of preschool

Here are a few pictures of your children during their first days of school. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week of September 8-11, 2014

Week of September 8-11, 2014
Theme: What happens at School?

Dear Parents,

The first two days of school went well. There were a few tears shed by some kids and also some parents but as the children build their stamina and begin to understand the routine they will become more confident about coming to school. 

Last week we worked hard on introducing the school routine and learning some of the classroom rules. We will continue to work on the school routine and rules throughout the next several weeks.

This week we will be focusing on what happens at school, again this reinforces what the expectations are at school. We are going to read Pete the Cat, The Wheels on the Bus. the children are going to be decorating their names and making a school bus that will have pictures and names of all of the children in the class. The school bus craft is a good on to hang on the fridge and then you can look back at it as your child is talking about someone they played with at school and be able to see who that child is. 

I have made a calendar that I am going to place in the very front pocket of your child's folder. It has listed on it the themes for the month and any special activities that may be coming up at school. This week is spirit week at Hilton Elementary and here is a list of the activities that will be happening school wide this week:
Spirit week is upon us!  Here are some things Hilton will be doing next week: 

Hilton Spirit Week - September 8-12, 2014

Show Your School Spirit All Week Long

  • MONDAY - Silly Socks and Sneakers. Be sure to bring proper shoes for Gym Class.
  • TUESDAY - Sports Day. Wear a team logo item.
  • WEDNESDAY - Crazy Hair/Hats off to Hilton! Wear a fun hat or some Crazy Hair.
  • THURSDAY - Super Hero/Princess Day. Wear your favorite Super Hero or Princess Shirt. (No costumes or capes please!) or you can wear red, white and blue for Patriots Day.
  • FRIDAY - Spirit Day. Wear your Hilton, Bees Gear or Gold & Red.

Mini Pep Rally - Friday (either indoor or outdoor) @ 2:55

Where in the City Is Flat Martin? 

Flat Martin is a large cut out of Mr. Martin our principal.
(FYI...) Flat Martin is at it again, hiding in different venues around Brecksville and Broadview Heights. Each day between 9/7 - 9/12, Flat Martin will be in a different location. This is a family-friendly scavenger hunt that the kids really love. Submit the form (attached) on 9/15 to be entered in a drawing for a prize. And send your photos with Flat Martin to
This week we will begin going to the gym for approximately 20 minutes weekly. Each Wednesday please have your child wear tennis shoes to school.

During the first several weeks of school I am getting to know your children better, this allows me to better differentiate the activities during center time to better meet each child's developmental learning level as well as their current skill level. 

Although we will not have a letter of the week until October we are going to have show and share this week on Thursday. Please have your child bring to school something that they would like to show their friends, the only restriction on this activity is that it has to fit in their backpack. Please make sure your child's name is on the item so we can make sure that everyone gets their correct items to take home. 

I took some photos of the children last week and once I download them I will place them here for everyone to see.

If you have not already returned all of your paperwork please do so promptly.

Thank you for sharing your children with me, I am so excited about this school year.