Week of October 6-9, 2014
Unit: All About Me
Focus Questions: Who Am I?
Letter of the Week: L
Dear Parents,
During this week, the children will be introduced to the idea that each person is unique and special. They will explore things they can do and things they want to learn to do. They will talk about how being able to do things makes them feel proud. Additionally, children will explore ways in which they are similar to and different from their friends and classmates. They will also compare themselves as they are today and with how they looked and acted when they were younger.
Learning Together
- Look at magazines together. Have your child point out activities or actions that he or she can do. Ask how being able to do these things makes your child feel.
- The children will also be learning about shapes during the week. Point out things around your home that are different shapes.
- If you have photographs of your child as a baby, look at them together. Talk about what your child did as a baby, and what he or she can do now. If the child has older siblings, talk about things they can do and ask which of those things your child would like to do, too.
Some exciting activities this week include:
- Making an address book with our names, addresses and phone numbers. Everyone has already provided me with a variety of phone numbers that they can be reached at, please email me or send in a note indicating which or the provided phone numbers you would like your child to learn so that we can put that in their address book and we can start working on that phone number.
- We are going to make an All About Me book for each class. Once it is complete the children will have the opportunity to take it home and share it with their families. For this book you will need to help your child find 1-2 pictures of themselves and their families. Please also include pictures which can be photographs or cut from a magazine of something that is their favorite color, their favorite toy, their favorite food and something they like to do such as a sport or hobby. If you are unable to find any pictures of the last items please write them down and we will work together in class to find them. Thank you for your help and participation with this project.
- The letter this week is L so we will be practicing making our letter L, making an L word list and making a Lion.
- We will be using the apples that the children brought for show and share last week to make applesauce this week. The children will have the opportunity to help cut up the apples, make a recipe and then help mix up the applesauce which will be our snack that day. We will also be using our Scholastic Magazine to learn facts about apples.
- This week as part of all about me we will also be talking about the life cycle and what happens as we grow and change.
- Throughout this monthly unit there is a Fairy Tale theme that runs through it. This week we are going to read The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We are going to act it out after reading it and then create a fairytale together as a class.
- When we visit the gym for some gross motor activity we will be practicing throwing and catching using scarves and balloons.
Show and share is October 9th-one things that starts with the letter L.
Send in the phone number you would like your child to begin learning.
Find the items needed for our All About Me book.
Could you please email my wife Monica.klipfell@gmail.com