Week of January 27-30, 2014
Theme: Animals at Home
Letter of the Week: Kk
Dear Parents,
We will continue learning about animals and where they live. We will explore the types of houses that different animals live in and how they may differ by where they live. This week we are going to focus on Jungle animals. We will learn about a variety of Jungle animals, however, the classes voted on a particular animal they would like to focus on so that will be one animal of focus this week. Over the next two weeks we will also learn about Arctic animals and water animals. At the end of our animal unit we will compare and contrast the animals the class has chosen from each area.
We will also be practicing patterning. We will be practicing basic patterns and then moving on to more challenging ones. We will also continue to work on rhyming words. At home you can make a game of coming up with words that rhyme with each other, even nonsense words are fun to use.
I realized as I was beginning this post that I did not post the last blog entry for the newsletter, I apologize for that. It was written, however, I think the cold may have effected my memory so it did not get posted.
Report cards were completed and sent home on Thursday. Everyone should have gotten one if you did not please let me know, there is always the chance that it was left in a mailbox. Along with report cards we will also be having parent/teacher conferences. At the beginning of the school year at orientation there was a sign up sheet for a conference date and time. I will be at an in service on Monday so reminders regarding your date and time will go home on Tuesday. If the date and time are no longer convenient please indicate on the form what would work better and I will try to accommodate that, if it is difficult to make it to school I can also do a phone conference.
Just two quick reminders please have your child bundled up for this cold weather. We obviously have not been going outside to play but that short walk to cars and buses can be chilly. Also flu season is upon us, I was struck with it on Friday, so please remind your child about hand washing that the best way to get rid of those nasty germs.
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