Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week of February 23-26, 2015

Week of February 23-26, 2015
Theme: Comparing Animals
Focus question: How are animals the same and different?
Letter: R

Dear Families,

Since we missed school last week we will be continuing some of the activities that were planned for last week and then add some new activities that compare animals. This week, as we continue our study of animals, children will compare animals. We will discover ways animals are the same and different in terms of how they look and how they sound. As we read a book titled Who is the Beast? children will become familiar with the word beast and its meaning.

Learning Together
  • Together, visit a pet store or an animal shelter. Observe fish and discuss how the fish are the same and different. Do the same with other animals such as  birds, dogs, and kittens.
  • Search books and magazines for pictures of animals. Point to animals and ask your child, Is this a wild animal? How do you know?
  • Have both you and your child draw pictures of an animal, such as a fish. Compare the two pictures, discussing how they are the same and different.
  • We will compare jungle animals and find ways that they are similar and different. We will also look to apply this to other groups comparing them for similarities and differences. We will be using visual pictures to help us discriminate the similarities and differences.
  • We will continue to practice patterning by patterning jungle animals.
  • Since we missed Show and Share for letter B last week please have your child bring their letter B Show and Share on Monday. Every week we make a list of words that correspond to our letter and on this list we include items the children brought in for show and share, so we want to make sure to make our B list.
  • On Thursday please have your child bring in Show and Share for letter R. 
  • Letter of the Week snack: since I do not have the list at home with me I am unable to relay the information regarding who is doing the letter of the week snack for letter R this week. The letter would have gone home on Thursday but since we didn't have school it did not go home. I will send the letter home on Monday and we will push back letter of the week snack until Thursday, which would mean it would not need to be to school until Wednesday. Thank you for your understanding.
I hope everyone is feeling better, we had quite a few children out in each class last week. We will make sure we are washing hands diligently so that we get rid of all of the germs. I did go in to school for a little bit on Friday and wiped down the shelves and toys and put new toys out so hopefully that also will help with any spreading of germs.

Make sure to bundle up and stay warm. We will see everyone on Monday.

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