Friday, May 15, 2015

Plants Change

Week of May 18-21, 2015
Theme: Plants Change
Focus Question: How do plants grow and change?

Dear Family,

this week, our class will learn about how plants grow and change. children will have the opportunity to identify and describe plants they are familiar with. They will explore things that plants need in order to grow, such as sunlight, soil, and water. They will listen to stories about how familiar foods, such as peaches and oranges, grow. In addition, children will begin to learn about parts of plants and how plants such as trees change in different seasons.

Learning Together
  • Take a walk with your child and observe the trees in  your neighborhood or in a local park. talk about how the trees look. Revisit the trees throughout the year and notice how the trees change.
  • find seeds in the foods you eat, such as oranges, peaches, plums, or avocados. Remove the seeds and let them dry. Then plant the seeds with your child. Encourage your child to place the potted seed in a sunny window and to water it frequently.
  • Encourage your child to help you care for any plants you have in your home or in a garden. Talk about how the plants grow and change.
  • Collect fallen leaves with your child. Use the leaves to make leaf rubbings or leaf collages.
  • This week we will plant seeds and document them as they grow.
  • We will learn what plants need to make them grow and about the parts of a plant.
  • We will sort plants by where they grow: on a tree, in the ground, on a vine or on the ground.
  • Given clues which include measurements about an object we will make a guess about what it is and measure the object to prove whether our guess was accurate.
We would like to welcome two new friends to our a.m. class. WELCOME Olivia and Kendra!

Upcoming dates:
  • May 25-No School Memorial Day
  • June 2-those students going to kindergarten next school year will take a field trip to their home school to familiarize them with the school.
  • June 3-End of the year party a.m. 10:00 and 1:30.
  • June 4-Last day of preschool

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