Friday, February 28, 2014

Week of March 3-6, 2014

Week of March 3-6, 2014
Theme: Day and Night
Letter of the Week: V

Dear Family,

During this week children will learn about the characteristics of and the differences between day and night. They will observe, identify, and talk about the different things that they see in the sky during the day. They will compare and contrast things in the daytime sky with those that appear during the night. The books we share will promote thought and discussion about how the colors of the sky change throughout the day. Children will also have fun experimenting with shadows and creating mobiles that show objects visible in the day and night skies.

Learning Together:
  • Have your child draw or paint two pictures of your home, one showing it as it appears during the day and the other s it appears at night. Talk with your child about the similarities and differences in the two images.
  •  Identify an object, such as a landmark or building that is usually visible from your home at all times. Together, view the object from a window during the day. Then look for it from the window at night. Discuss why it is more difficult to see.
  • Use a lamp and a blank wall to make shadow puppets with your child. Take turns forming animal shapes or letters and watching them move. 
  • Use flashlight and play flashlight tag.
  • Observe the moon and night and note any changes it has over consecutive days. Also note what time you begin to see the moon at night.
Visiting the library
Night in the Country by Cynthia Rylant and mary Szilagyi
Night Becomes Day by Richard McGuire
Black? White! Day? Night! A book of Opposites by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
What Makes Day and Night? by Franklyn M. Branley
A Cloak for the Dreamer by Aileen Friendman
Please check the district website at for an update from the superintender Mr. Scot Prebles in regards to procedures regarding calamity days, also watch for an AlertNow call informing your about what may occur in the event of upcoming calamity days.
If anyone has any extra working flashlight at home that we could borrow at school for the week it would be greatly appreciated. We are going to be doing several activities at school using flashlights to demonstrate the movement of the earth and how that effects day and night as well as how shadows are formed and it would be a great help to have several flashlights for the children to use.
Upcoming dates:
Spring Break: March 24-30. Return to school March 31.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Week of February 24-27, 2014

Week of February 24-27, 2014
Theme:  Outside my Window
Letter of the Week: X

Dear Family,

Children will become mini-meteorologists this week as they observe and discuss the weather each day. They will learn about the different types of weather and how each one affects the activities that people undertake as well as the clothing that they wear. Children will also learn about the four seasons and the kinds of weather changes that may occur during each season.

Learning Together
  • With your child, make a graph that charts each member of your family's favorite season or type of weather. Together, share the chart with your entire family.
  • Conduct a science experiment with your child to demonstrate the power of the sun. Cut out cardboard letters showing your child's initials and tape them to dark paper. Put the paper in direct sunlight (outdoors or in a window) for a few days. Then remove the cardboard letters. Discuss with your child what happened and why.

Visiting the library
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
Tracks in the Snow by Wong Herbert Yee
Feel the Wind by Arthur Dorros
Clouds by Anne Rockwell
Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes by Stuart J. Murphy

A big thank you to everyone for following up with parent/teacher conferences. I enjoyed meeting and talking with each one of you and hope that you were given helpful information regarding your child's development, If you continue to have any questions or concerns please contact me.

Upcoming Dates:
February 27-Letter X Show and Share
March 24-28-No School Spring Break
March 31-Students return to school following Spring Break

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week of February 18-20, 2014

Week of February 18-20, 2014
Theme: The Earth and Sky
Letter of the Week: U

Dear Families, 

This week our class begins a new unit about the earth and sky, focusing first on our world and the sun. Children will discuss and learn about natural items that are found on the earth, such as sand, rocks, soil and water. Next week the children will also learn more about the sun and the moon and how they are similar to and different from one another as they consider differences between light and darkness, and day and night. Our lessons about the sun will also lead children to a basic understanding of sources of light and heat. 

Learning Together:

  • Conduct a simple science experiment with your child. Mix sand or soil, pebbles and water in a clear plastic bottle. Shake it vigorously. Ask your child to observe and describe how the pebbles and sand or soil travel through the water. Have your child also describe what he or she observes after the materials have settled. 
We will be participating in some exploration and experimentation with the earth materials of: sand, water, soil and water. We will be observing them using hand lenses and comparing their weight using a balance scale. We will be doing this activity in two groups and at the conclusion will compare the findings of the two groups looking for similarities and differences.

Visiting the Library
The Earth and I by Frank Asch
Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky by Elphinstone Dayrell
Into the Sky by Ryan Ann Hunter
Geography from A to Z: A Picture Glossary by Jack Knowlton
Earth Day-Hooray! by Stuart J. Murphy

No School-February 17th President's Day
If you have not yet signed up for a parent/teacher conference please return the form that was sent home or email me so that that we can coordinate a date and time. If you are unable to come in for a conference a phone conference can also be conducted.
I have started sending home once a week a brief sheet about what your child has done in school that day. On this sheet as much as possible I am using their words to record what they have done, please take the opportunity to discuss this with them.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Week of February 10-13, 2014

Week of February 10-13
Theme: Valentine's Day and Friendship
No letter of the week

Dear Parents,
This week we will be celebrating Valentine's Day and friendships. We will be discussing why we celebrate Valentine's Day and what it means to be a helpful and kind friend.

We are going to be making some heart crafts at school that will be coming home at the end of the week.  We will also be working on practicing more patterning and making the patterning more complex with some holiday hearts. We will also practice sorting and graphing with some conversation hearts. During centers we will work on building with letters and identifying letters especially those within our names.  We will be participating in some fine motors activities such as cutting and practicing a pincer grasp for writing and pre-writing by using sewing cards and pinching paper to place on a craft. 

On Thursday we will be having our Valentine's party for the kids. If your child is bringing in Valentine's cards for their friends please make sure they have one for each child (a.m.=7 kids, p.m.= 13 kids) and that they only sign their name they do not need to place a name on the card for who the card is to. We will be making special mailboxes to place the Valentines in and we will be playing several Valentine's Day games.

No School: February 20th-President's Day
If you have not yet responded to the conference reminder please do so that I am able to schedule your conference in a timely manner. It was nice to meet with the parents I have seen so far and discuss your child's progress and I look forward to seeing everyone that I have not had an opportunity to have a conference with yet. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week of February 3-6, 2014

Week of February 3-6, 2014
Theme: Comparing Animals
Letter of the Week: C

Dear Family,

Since we missed two days of school last week we will be continuing some of the activities that were planned for last week and then add some new activities that compare animals. This week, as we continue our study of animals, children will compare animals. We will discover ways animals are the same and different in terms of how they look and how they sound. As we read a book titled Who is the Beast? children will become familiar with the word beast and its meaning.

Learning Together
  • Together, visit a pet store or an animal shelter. Observe fish and discuss how the fish are the same and different. Do the same with other animals such as  birds, dogs, and kittens.
  • Search books and magazines for pictures of animals. Point to animals and ask your child, Is this a wild animal? How do you know?
  • Have both you and your child draw pictures of an animal, such as a fish. Compare the two pictures, discussing how they are the same and different.
On February 13th we will be having our Preschool Valentine's Day party. This is a smaller party and will be just for the children. If you choose to your child may bring in Valentine's Day cards to share with their friends. If you decide to bring in Valentine's Day cards please make sure your child signs their name on the cards and brings in enough for each student in the class. At this age it is easier to pass out the cards if you do not place individual student's names on the front of the card. At school we will do a craft, play a game and have a snack. Please send in an empty cereal box to school we will be using it to make a Valentine's day craft with it.

All report cards have gone home, if you still have not received one please let me know. Also on Thursday Parent/Teacher conference forms went home. Please fill them out and return them promptly so that I can schedule conferences in a convenient manner for everyone. 

Upcoming Activities:
February 13th-Valentine's Day Party
February 17th-No School President's Day