Sunday, April 27, 2014

Week of April 28-May 1

Week of April 28-May 1, 2014
Theme: Healthy Habits
Letter: Z

Dear Parents,
Our next unit, Healthy Foods and Healthy Body, will cover the next four weeks. Our first week we will be focusing on Healthy Habits. These habits will include such things as hand washing, toothbrushing and caring for coughs and sneezes.  We will do a germ experiment that will help the children actually sees how germs get on their hands and then are shared on toys and other items.  We will also begin to discuss healthy foods vs unhealthy foods.  On Wednesday we are going to celebrate our favorite healthy foods. Please have your child bring in their favorite healthy snack, preferably a fruit or vegetable, that they will share with their friends in the class (a.m. class=8 students, p.m. class=13 students). Some stories that we will be reading include: Germs Are Not For Sharing and Those Mean, Nasty, Dirty, Downright Disgusting but Invisible Germs.
Looks like rain is in the forecast for the beginning of the week but as soon as it starts drying out we will be back outside for some outdoor playtime. Please remember if your child has sun sensitive skin to put sunscreen on them before coming to school.

Upcoming dates:
April 30-bring in a healthy snack to share
May 1-Show and Share Letter Z
May 28th-End of the year party
May 29th-Last day of preschool

Monday, April 21, 2014

Week of April 22-24, 2014

Week of April 22-24, 2014
Theme: Earth Week
Letter of the Week: W

Dear Parents,

This week we will be focusing on Earth Week. We will be doing several recycling activities including sorting recyclable materials and discovering ways to reuse items. This week we will be making a paper mache craft so in order to work with our theme of reusing if you have any newspapers at home that you are finished with we would love to have your send them in to use for our paper mache craft. 

We are going to be doing a smart board recycling activity and will read several books about how to protect the Earth. Hopefully with warmer weather on the way we will also make it outside to enjoy the Spring. Please make sure on sunny days to apply sunscreen to your child before coming to school as we may be headed out for some outdoor playtime. 

Upcoming dates: 
April 24th-Show and Share Letter W
No School-May 26th Memorial Day
Last date of preschool-May 29th

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Week of April 14-17, 2014

Week of April 14-17, 2014
 Theme: Everything Grows and Changes
Letter: Q

Dear Families,

This week we will be wrapping up our Growing and Changing theme with Everything Grows and Changes. Last week the children really enjoyed looking at everyone's pictures and hearing about how each one of their friends has grown, changed and what the future holds for them. This week we are going to review all of the things that grow and change.  Last week we drew an outline of each child and this week they will complete their self portraits. We will be doing some Easter themed activities as well. We are going to sort jellybeans and count them and then place them in the correct numbered plastic egg. We are going to read the story "Knuffle Bunny," and then we are going to follow a map to find hidden treasures. 

The week of April 22-24 we are going to be learning about how to take care of the Earth. One of the activities we are going to do is a recycle sort, sorting materials such as plastic, paper, cardboard and cans into their appropriate recycling containers. If you have any of these empty containers at home please send them in with your child during the week of April 14-17 so that we have them to use the following week. 

Upcoming Dates:
April 21-No School-Easter Break
May 26-No school-Memorial Day