Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of September 17-20 Our Happy Classroom

Last week was a great week at school. We talked about and practiced identifying emotions. We labeled feelings and identified reasons why someone may display those emotions. We did some role playing with a variety of peer interactions identifying the feelings and what the appropriate response may be to positive and negative peer situations. The children made a school or a bus and placed pictures of their friends on it. The children were able to bring this home so that they could share their new school friends with their family. This week we will be talking about our classroom and working together. The children will participate in developing classroom rules. Identifying rules that we need to have to keep everyone safe at school such as: use an inside voice, use walking feet, and keep hands and feet to selves. We are going to read "Pirates at School."
Next week will be yellow week and we are going to make a yellow sun. On Thursday, September 20 please have your child wear some yellow to school.  We are going to read "Pete the Cat, Four Groovy Buttons." This story reinforces, repeated  phrases, colors and counting. We have read two other Pete the Cat stories at school. These books have some repeated phrases and a rhythm that the children enjoy. Visit Pete the Cat at:
We will also be making figure of ourselves which when finished will be displayed in the classroom for a while. The children will bring them home when we are finished displaying them at school.
Thursday is Show and Share and this week your child need to bring a picture of their family.
I have entered journal entries into each child's cubby on I have come across some editing problems during this process and have contacted the company to get those resolved, I hope this issue will be resolved quickly. When this issue is resolved I will begin sending LIfeCubby invitations so that you can begin accessing your child's eportfolio or "cubby." Currently some of the journal entries have been placed in the wrong cubbies and in order to maintain privacy I need to resolve that issue before sending invitations to view your child's cubby.
Classroom Reminders:
-Please return any forms you have not returned yet. If I do not have your permission slip to begin your child's eportfolio I will not be able to send you an invitation to access your child's cubby or begin entering entries into your child's cubby.
-Please remember to be prompt at pick up and drop off.  We begin getting children out of cars at 8:20 in the a.m. and 11:50 in the p.m. and due to safety concerns we have to close the doors at 8:30. in the a.m. and 12:00 p.m. If you arrive after these time you will need to go to the office and sign your child in. It is important to be on time because we begin classroom activities promptly and when your child arrives later it can make them feel a little disoriented because the day has started and they still have to complete the check in process. At the end of the day we begin taking the children to their cars at 10:50 and 2:20.
-The children have begun bringing home the classbook to share with you. Please take the opportunity to look at this with your child. If your child has not brought this home yet they will be soon.

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