Friday, December 6, 2013

Week of December 9-12

Week of December 9-12, 2013
Theme: My Detective's Tools
Letter: R

Dear Families,
This week, as children continue to think and act like detectives, they will learn about tools that detectives use to gather information. Children will use a balance scale to compare the weights of objects, using the words lighter and heavier. they will use connecting cubes to compare the lengths of items, using the words shorter and longer. And using containers of various sizes will learn to use the words more, less, empty, and full. 

Learning Together:
  • Together, explore the capacity of kitchen containers of various shapes and sizes. Fill two containers with water or rice, and ask your child to guess which container holds more. Then measure the contents of each one.
  • Read to your child "the Three Billy Goats Gruff," "the Gingerbread Man," or a similar story in which the characters solve a problem. Talk about the problem in each story and how it was solved. 
  • Cook or bake a food item together, and invite your child to help you measure the ingredients.
Special Activities:
December 10-we will have a special visitor that will show us how to make tamales. This correlates to our story which talks about how to make a recipe using different types of measurement: "I Like Making Tamales." She has a Mexican heritage and will share some artifacts from her culture. We will also have a special Mexican inspired snack at snack time that day.
December 11-Special Letter Snack-Sean
December 12-Class Holiday party-all parents are welcome to attend and participate in the festive events. The a.m. party will be 10:00-11:00 and the p.m. party will be 1:15-2:15.

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